Radio-Active 2025

Our 2025 resolution is to help everyone become more RadioActive and have fun on or off the air!

Come and join in our fun program for 2025. Being Radio-Active can mean a lot of things to different people. Our idea is to get more people on the air or involved with amateur radio. We have come up with a somewhat simple point system which each participant will tally up their own points between 12-12-2024 and our award presentation on December 11, 2025. We also have a sprint round certificate for the first person to reach 1,000 points! Who will be the first to 5,000 points?
You can download a spreadsheet to help track your points.

Amateur Radio License

Recruiting, training and ongoing assistance should be targeted to prospective and newly licensed hams in our community. To further encourage everyone to either obtain or upgrade their amateur radio license the following bonus points are available:

·       Obtain a technician level license: 150 points

·       Obtain a general class license: 500 points

·       Obtain an extra class license: 1,000 points

·       From unlicensed to extra in less than 12 months: 1,500 bonus points

·       Assist with an exam as a VE: 50 points

·       Participate in a license class as an instructor: 100 points for every volunteer hour

Be an ambassador!

To encourage everyone to help promote and be involved in amateur radio in various ways.

·       Participate with the club at a festival such as the Spring Planting Festival: 25 point per volunteer hour. This is in addition to any other operating points that may be obtained.

·       Attend a non-amateur radio meeting where you promote amateur radio: 25 point per volunteer hour.

·       Maintain or obtain your ARRL membership: 75 points per calendar year.

·       Serve as a BSFARC club officer: 75 points per calendar year.

·       Post something ham related to our Facebook page monthly: 25 points per post (max 25 points per month). Admins of our page are ineligible.


Continuing education in the technical aspects of Amateur Radio ensures that our club members are technically competent, familiar with and comfortable with modern radio-electronics technology.

·       Attend a FEMA, NWS or other government entity training session: 25 points per hour of study.

·       Participate in a license class as an instructor: 100 points for every volunteer hour.

·       Attend a BSFARC license course as a student: 25 points per hour attended.

·       Lead a training session/workshop during a club meeting: 50 points.

·       Attend a training session/workshop during a club meeting: 10 points.

·       Attend an ‘Elmer’ session in as either a mentor or a participant: 25 points per session.

Operating Activities

Active participation in one or more major operating or operating support activities to ensure that you maintain a high level of operating skill.


·       Activate a park: 25 points

·       Activate a new park: 10 BONUS points

·       Hunt a new park: 10 points

·       QSOs either as an activator or hunter: 1 point each (CW counts as 3) (see below for an additional point as these a general QSO will also count)

·       Activate a new state/province or entity: 50 BONUS points

·       Hunt a new state: 10 bonus points

From your ‘view profile page’ record the following as soon as you can:

2024 Activator:                                                                 2024 Hunter:


Parks:____________                                                          Parks:____________

QSOs:______________                                                     QSOs:______________

From your ‘my awards page’ record the following on or about 12-31-2024:

Number of activated states:_______________ Number of hunted states:_________________

Other Radio Activities

·       Participate in-person with the club for a public outing such as field day or POTA day (individual activities are accounted for elsewhere): 25 point per volunteer hour.

·       Operate as the Net Control Station (NCS) for an emcomm NET: 25 point per session.

·       Check into a daily or weekly NET focused on emcomm activities. This includes the weekly club and  other county emcomm NETS in addition to the TN3980 NET: 5 points per check in. No QSO point adder is to be applied.

·       Participate in a public service event such as the No Business 100 ultra-marathon: 100 points per volunteer hour.

·       Participate with the club during the ‘Museum Ship Weekend’ in June: 50 points per volunteer hour.

·       General QSOs (other the repeater contacts) as ones that you would normally log: 1 point each (CW counts as 3). Be sure to count QSOs that you made using the club call sign.

·       Send a Winlink email to monthly: 25 points for each month that a Winlink email is sent.

·       Write and send either an ICS-213 or Radiogram message monthly: Max 25 points monthly

·       Participate either in person or from your home in the 10-meter contest: In-person bonus 50 points. Bonus of 1 point (3 points CW) for every QSO you make. The bonus QSO points are in addition to the normal point value for a QSO ( 2 for SSB and 6 for CW).

·       Have a non-repeater contact with another club member: Bonus of 1 point (3 points CW) per QSO (in addition to the normal point value)

·        Spend more than $100.00 on ham radio equipment: Max 1 point in a calendar year but what a great reason to buy something!

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