Welcome to the Scott County TN ARES Team!
When all else fails…
Scott County Tennessee is home to the Big South Fork National River and Recreation area which has more than 125,000 acres of the most scenic grorges and bluffs in our area.

We welcome you to improve your emergency communication skills by running one of our NETS. You do not have to be a Scott ARES member to be our NCS as everyone may be called upon in a time of need. Taking the 15 minutes to do our NET could make all the difference in the world! The button below is a word DOCX file that may be downloaded and printed. The script is only a suggestion as it may be adapted as you see fit.
Meet Kelly/KI4JAV
your County Emergency Corrdinator
Kelly when not working full-time she is active in the Big South Fork Amateur Radio Club and is the primary net control for the YL NET. She is a trained SkyWarn trained spotter and has a interest in anything related to space/NASA. Did we mention she is also our county’s Emergency Coordinator? Well, she is that and a whole bunch more!

Scott County EMA Director
David Brewster
P.O. Box 151
Huntsville, TN 37756
Email: scottcounty.ema@scottcounty.com
Office: (423) 663-2337