The ARRL 10-Meter Contest December 10-11, 2022
Solar cycle 25 did not disappoint the club members as the 10-meter band was alive and well.
The 3 element 10-meter yagi antenna took longer to build than expected. The plan was to get it up on the tower but that will have to wait for another day.
The photo right before we tilted the tower after cranking it down most of the way. The top two sections will need a little bit of straightening before it is raised again,
Julian W5EDQ looks on as Bill KF4TY raises the mast with the wire antenna on it. By hook or crook they were determined to get on the air!
Buddy W7BSF looks on as Julian W5EDQ and Bill KF4TY are listening intently and trying to decipher a call sign.
The tower was lowered and tilted to allow for the work to begin. It was not the most graceful operation as you had to be there to see how we did it.
It looks like the SUV had caught a large fish!
We stopped at about 30-feet which worked on well for us as we had enough coax to reach the radio.
Buddy W7BSF takes the controls and shows others how it’s done!