The Modulator Newsletter for what’s happening with amateur radio in our area.
Local VHF/UHF repeater information along with NETS in our area.
Amateur Radio Emergency Services team in the Big South Fork region in addition to Skywarn information.
Contact us
Need more information?
Click the envelope above and send us an email for more information.
Come and join us at our next
club meeting/meet & greet which will be on
Thursday, September 12th at 7:00pm (Eastern) at
Roane State Community College
410 W.H. Swain Boulevard
Huntsville, TN 37756
Radio Loaner Program
Our club member only radio loaner program is underway. We are in the process of putting together the ‘go boxes’ which will include either a Kenwood HF or TenTec HF radio, coax cable and an end fed or 10-meter diplole wire antenna. These loaner kits are for new technician/general class license holders to help you get on the air quickly. Loaner equipment is available only to club members in good standing for a month at a time. More information is available during our monthly meetings.
The above snip from a logbook is proof that with a little Ten Tec at 100 watts and a simple 19-foot 10-m dipole anything is possible.
Quick Links
ARRL is the national association for Amateur Radio in the US. Founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim as The American Radio Relay League, ARRL is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs.
The BSFARC is a special service club of the ARRL and we also offer license exams.
Here you will find a listing of all the club events. You can search and display the calendar multiple ways.
Membership is what drives the BSFARC, and makes it possible for us to take on our various public service and other outreach initiatives. Annual member dues are used to keep our equipment functional, as well as to maintain our presence on the web and social media.
Stay up to date as to what the club is doing and all of our major activities as this is a great way to get involved.
Our 2024 Club Officers
Club officers, who are the same as board members, are in charge of various administrative and outreach tasks that the Big South Fork Amateur Radio Club undertakes. Officers are nominated and voted upon by the general membership in December to serve in several roles, listed below. All positions are for one year, beginning in January of each year. There are no term limits currently and the positions are open to all club members regardless of license class.
Jamie Stringer
Buddy McCartt
Vice President
Stephen King
Kelly Loyd